Members of Insight at the University of Galway have been involved in setting up the She and They Do Science & Tech group, aimed at increasing diversity and inclusion in science and tech. They are running their inaugural event next month and are delighted to invite you to the first event in their seminar series: Women in Data Science. The seminar will take place on the 16th of November at 18.30 in Insight in the University of Galway. For people who are interested but unable to attend in person, the event will also be streamed online.
This new seminar series aims to encourage women and gender minority people to learn, share and participate in the field of Science and Technology in a safe space of like-minded people. It will provide a platform to connect people from industry and academia, a platform that not only gives an overview of the achievements of women and gender minority people but also provides a room to talk freely about their work and any issues or problems they encounter.
The first event will feature discussions with a range of experts in different areas in the Data Science field. Gargi Gupta, PhD at the SFI Centre for Research Training in Machine Learning (Technological University Dublin) who talk about her research field of explainable AI. Vicky Twomey-Lee, founder of Py-Ladies in Dublin will describe how the group tries to help more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community.
Karen Conway, Director, Technology Management at Fidelity Investments, will discuss the topics of ethics and trustworthiness in a data world. The talks will be split and networking time and light refreshments will be provided.
It’s a free event but booking is required. This is a hybrid event, please select whether you would like to attend “In Person” or “Online Access.” You can register for it here.