Barry O’Sullivan and Ed Curry sign agenda for ‘digital transformation of Europe’

Submitted on Wednesday, 23/09/2020

Professor Barry O’Sullivan and Dr Edward Curry are signatories to the largest public-private partnership agenda in AI, data, and robotics in the world. Funded by industry and the European Commission, the Joint Strategic Research Innovation and Deployment Agenda for the Artificial Intelligence, Data and Robotics Partnership (SRIDA) will work to build an effective innovation ecosystem and drive excellent research in Europe in AI and allied fields.
Professor Barry O’Sullivan and Dr Edward Curry from the Insight SFI Centre for Data Analytics in Cork have lead the development of the agenda, which will map a partnership to support European values, to improve current business and to create new business in AI and data science.
During her recent State of the Union speech European Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen said: “Europe must now lead the way on digital – or it will have to follow the way of others, who are setting these standards for us. This is why we must move fast.”
The new AI, Data and Robotics Partnership will bring together a broad coalition including the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), the Confederation of Laboratories of Artificial Intelligence in Europe (CLAIRE), the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS), the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) and the European Robotics Association (euRobotics).
The partnership will drive innovation, uptake and acceptance of digital innovation across the bloc. It will support research, development and deployment, foster novel applications and stimulate public and private investment. It will be guided by ‘a humancentric and trustworthy European vision of AI’, according to its members.
Speaking ahead of the partnership agenda launch in Brussels this week, Insight’s Barry O’Sullivan said: ‘The Insight SFI Centre plays a leadership role at a European level in a variety of ways and this is reflected in the production of this SRIDA. As then president of the European AI Association I worked alongside Dr Edward Curry, Vice President of the Big Value Data Association, and others, on the delivery of the joint SRIDA. The five partner organisations consulted broadly with industry, associations, research groups and scientists across Europe through surveys, workshops and requests for written contributions, attracting hundreds of inputs. This is a major new policy direction for European AI, data and robotics innovation at a critical time for the sector.’
Dr Edward Curry explained the importance of the initiative for the sector: ‘This strategic agenda sets out a clear roadmap to bring together three critical enabling technologies AI, Data and Robotics for the Digital Transformation of Europe. The Partnership can drive this transformation by bringing together academic, industry, and startups within a pan-European innovation ecosystem with both public and private investments.’