I am a computer engineer and researcher with some background in business management. After graduation, I worked some years in software firms as a Java developer, Big Data engineer, data analyst, and data quality specialist. Then, I joined the DISIT Lab, University of Florence, where I got my PhD working on “Semantic models for the modeling and management of big data in a smart city environment”, and where I furtherly specialized on the above, and also developed federated APIs for geographical data access, and a client-server architecture for real-time data operation and visualization. I held lessons about ETL, interoperability, and Semantic Knowledge, and supported students for their end-of-course assignments. Here at NUI, Galway, I have been working on a software architecture for system integration and data analytics as a service, using Node-RED, Scala, Spark, Docker. I am passionate and lifelong learner of data science, distributed computing, and Cloud technologies.