John Newell is a statistician. He is Fulbright Scholar, led the first Biostatistics Unit in the HRB Clinical Research Facility and is the inaugural Professor of Biostatistics at the National University of Galway. His areas of research include the development of classical and computational statistical approaches in the design and analysis of clinical and medical device trials, and tools to translate the results of statistical analyses more effectively to a multidisciplinary audience. His other area of research is in sports analytics, analysing athlete monitoring data to help them perform optimally, recover quickly while protecting them from injury. He has published over 130 papers and has co-authored a text book on Statistics for Sports and Exercise Scientists. His co-authored R package ‘Dynom’ has had over 45,000 downloads to date and the accompanying paper was in the top 10% most cited PLOS ONE papers published in 2019. He collaborates with clinicians and sport scientists in other universities and in the Premier League, WFL, IRFU, PGA, NFL and the NBA, usually a conversation starter.
Research Focus and Applications