For Immediate Release
29th September 2022
Insight launches 350k research partnership with TUs/IoTs
350K fund for partnerships between TU/IoTs and Ireland’s national data research body
INSIGHT SFI RESEARCH CENTRE FOR DATA ANALYTICS, IRELAND: The Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics is investing €350k in new collaborations with the Institutes of Technology and the new Technological Universities.
Projects were selected on the basis of scientific excellence and gender balance, among other criteria, and cover a range of areas including energy efficient scheduling for industry, lifestyle predictors for dementia and safe AI for medical devices.
The Insight SFI Centre is Ireland’s national data research body and one of the largest AI and data analytics research institutes in Europe.
Seven new projects are to be awarded, involving an additional 20 new researchers. The new research cohort is 50:50 male/female. Researchers are drawn from Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), Munster Technological University (MTU), Atlantic Technological University (ATU) and Dundalk Institute of Technology (DKIT). For a detailed list of the projects visit https://www.insight-centre.org/tu-iot-collaborations-2022/
The new project collaborations were identified following an open call for proposals, which were independently evaluated by a gender-balanced team of senior experts drawn from different HEIs and disciplines.
Speaking about the new network, CEO of the Insight SFI Centre Prof Noel O’Connor said: ‘This is an exciting new development for Insight. We have the opportunity to form research synergies with the agile and dynamic Technological University network. The rigorous selection process ensures that each project passes a high bar for scientific excellence and draws from the widest possible talent pool, with gender balance a priority. Ireland is ambitious – we are growing a world class research corps that will drive projects to transform society, health, technology and industry for the better. This is how we do it.’
The seven projects also fold in new international collaborations with Arizona State University, USA, University of Ulster, NI, University of Léon, Spain, University of Valencia, Spain, University of Milan, Italy, University of Hildesheim, Germany, Brussels Management School, Belgium and Inalco Plidam, Paris.
Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics
The Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics is one of Europe’s largest data analytics research organisations, with over 450 researchers, more than 80 industry partners and €150+ million in funding. Its research spans Fundamentals of Data Science, Sensing and Actuation, Scaling Algorithms, Model Building, Multi-Modal Analysis, Data Engineering and Governance, Decision Making, and Trustworthy AI.
Insight is made up of four host institutions at DCU, University of Galway, UCC and UCD. Insight’s partner sites are Maynooth University, Tyndall, TCD and UL.